Monday, April 28, 2008

Labels and Categories

I'm wondering why I should keep coming up with "labels for this post." Is anyone really doing anything with those labels. On one of my other blogs -- Antique Clippings -- I thought it was important (correct that, I had no idea but the blank was there) to put in categories for everything. And of course over many months and many posts, you lose track of being complete.

There weren't that many good pointers for what the purpose of the labels was, nor was there any real guidance on how to do multi-word labels, like Woodrow-Wilson. So at first I had fairly long labels, like "The Ellis Herald, Ellis, Kansas." That would be ONE label. And others with common words, more common than Ellis and Herald. So what happens is if you start a label with one of those words, it automatically fills in with something from a previous label, and it's a mess. Definitely you need the hyphens in there if you're going to do it at all.

So I've been pretty faithful about putting the labels in each post. I like to have things nicely organized, even if clutter doesn't bother me. But now I'm thinking about the value of it sucks to do it if there's no real purpose.

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