Friday, May 30, 2008

Hilarious Stuff

This video is very thought-provoking. It's hilarious at one level. We've got this incompetent old codger running around, running for president. And he's his own worst enemy. He either doesn't know the facts or can't keep the facts straight. It's the ultimate irony that he rides around a bus called the Straight Talk Express. He's taken so many curves he's lost!

Sometimes I wish these videos were shorter. This one I wish were longer. It's extremely entertaining. The only disaster about it would be if this incompetent old codger were actually elected. Then we'd be trading one crumb for another. And we need something better this time!

Anyway, watch the video. It's a real disaster. McCain hasn't got a clue.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Great Elvis Blog

Here's a link for a great Elvis blog, Gonna Have a Clambake.

Elvis was the most fantastic everything, of course. No one cooler, no one with better songs, which I can hear a thousand times and still enjoy. Best "comfort food" ever.

As for the song, "Clambake," that's an odd one. "Mama's little baby like clambake, clambake!" The movie has some really good parts, but I don't think it has enough "romantic payoff" in it. Meaning for me, Elvis and Shelley don't really get it on enough. There's too much pull from other forces, too much denial. I want a lot of kissing, a lot of hugging, all that.

And I believe Clambake is the one that has the song, oh, what is it? With the kids on the playground equipment? The little girl who is afraid to go down the slide? CONFIDENCE! You need C-O-N-F-I and a dence," or something like that. I hate that song. That's not one I could listen to a thousand times. And the girl really has something to be terrrrrrrrrified over, such a measley slide, too.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie, although I guess maybe it's only been a year or so. But I've seen quite a few others in the meantime and after a while they run together. Let's see, Elvis is a rich guy, an oil man's son, who wants to play poor to see if girls will love him for him. And he trades places with this poor guy who wants to be rich. Then they're at a hotel in Florida, and the guy from Great Gildersleeve is the doorman. Bill Bixby is in it, as a suave rich guy, a real lady's man, of course Elvis' rival. Elvis becomes a ski instructor. He ends up with the girl, as usual, but, as I said before, there's not enough loving throughout. In this one Shelley Fabares is very "hard to get." He has to preach to her, in song, something like, "You have everything, everything but love."

I know it's common blather to discount Elvis' movies and say they're crap. But I've never thought that. They're not Oscar-worthy, to be sure, but they're great for looking at Elvis. They're better than home movies, since he's a character. And they have great songs, again, that's a minority opinion that I hold. But I've been an Elvis lover since I was just a baby, and once it's bred into you like that, it's hard to deny.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Assassination Crazy

Here's someone who shouldn't be on TV. Liz Trotta? No, I never heard of her before either.

Obviously she's on Wingnut-TV, the Fox News Channel (wait for laughs to die out...) And she's doing a little commentary on Hillary's gaffe about not being able to drop out of the race because, you know, Bobby Kennedy got assassinated in June. Hint, hint.

This Liz Trotta person -- I'm taking someone else's word for it that's who she is -- not only can't distinguish Barack Obama from Osama bin Laden (don't they check a person's basic abilities before they get a job at Fox?), but she thinks it would be a good idea for someone to "knock off" Obama.

And she has a good laugh about it.

It's amazing to me that people like this Liz Trotta can seriously get on TV and joke around, and even suggest it would be a good idea, that our presidential candidates should be assassinated. This is just stunning!

Can anyone do anything about this person?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Elevator Ghost -- Freaky

It takes a while to get to it, but it's freaky when it appears. Apparently it's a hoax, but the video saying it's a hoax doesn't say much. Nice special effects at the very least! You'll notice the guy who's in front of the ghost, though. Just before he starts walking he reaches behind his back slightly and does something. His hand movement doesn't seem natural for someone preparing to walk straight ahead.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bush's Third Term

I couldn't have said it better myself:

"As we near victory in one contest, the next challenge is already heating up," Plouffe wrote. "President Bush and Senator McCain have begun coordinating their attacks on Barack Obama in an effort to extend their failed policies for a third term."
Any way you slice it, McCain's run for the presidency is seeking an extension of George Bush's term. It would vindicate, validate, and perpetuate George Bush's failed policies. It would be a prescription for war, war, and more war, crazy economics, international cowboy diplomacy (meaning mindless bluster), and a further eroding of our stature in the world.

McCain is running right, yet giving feints to the center. He's milking that maverick nonsense for all its worth, but his Strait Jacket Express went into the ditch a long time ago.

This country made a severe mistake in allowing it to be close enough to tip the election to George Bush in 2000. Then with the advantages of the White House, he squeaked out a disastrous win in 2004. Disastrous for us. But enough is enough! We have tried stupid and it has failed. It is time to try smart, for a change. No to McCain.

P.S. - David Plouffe is Obama's campaign manager.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Slouch Takes Huckabee Down

We're sending out several thousand raspberries in the general direction of Mike Huckabee on this fair day, for his boneheaded, botched "joke" about Obama facing gunfire backstage at the NRA convention. What a thing to have on the tip of his tongue!

Way to go, Mike. That's one of the fastest acts of political suicide I can remember! If you had any aspirations for the Republican nomination for vice president, common sense tells us you just gave it up. (Of course, knowing the Republicans -- a sadder group of airheads, boneheads, and morons we can barely imagine -- they might retire McCain and run you after all. But even they probably still have at least three functioning brain cells and would have to know this ain't going to poll well.)

Maybe you better get some of that real sincere contrition thing going. And next time you feel like flapping those pinkish things that make up the outer edge of your mouth, just try it for a change shutting up.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yea For The Davids

Hmm, who is Goliath in this deal? It's David vs. David on American Idol!

And I'm for David Cook.

David Archuleta sings well enough -- but he's very boring. David Cook may be boring, who knows, but he looks like there could conceivably be something interesting about him. Archuleta is a professional "wanna be" (and "gonna be"); he'll be very successful. Cook seems more like someone who is taking life in stride.

It was interesting seeing their visits back home. (And I'm glad Syesha got booted, even though I liked her quite a lot). Archuleta's visit back home was so boring I was actually looking down, reviewing some books I bought at an antique store the other day. Syesha's was so-so, but I figured she'd be leaving, so who cares? Cook's was the best -- I happened to be in the Kansas City area the day he was going to be there, but nowhere really near where he was, so it was nice to see what I was missing if it would've been possible to be there. The "Dream On" song playing in the background (to me) seemed to give his video presentation the edge. Maybe that's a psychological way of American Idol pushing him. Gives him an edgier feel.

Also it was cool seeing his brother, who originally was the Idol contestant, which I hadn't heard before.

So...who should win? David Cook.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Possibly a Racist Incident

I was out today, and in a parking lot, trying to get out. Then as I was backing out there was an African-American guy on a bike, and I heard him yelling, not at me, but at someone who apparently had been there (passing by) but was no longer present.

The person or persons in the passing vehicle had apparently yelled the N word at him, because that's what he was saying, and also he yelled F-U, and repeated what they said to him, as much to himself as to them.

I thought oh crap, I don't want this happening to people, this guy. Then I tried to follow him, but he was faster on the bike and went into a liquor store. Then I waited around, and he was buzzing across the parking lot, and I drove up not-too-close, then thought better of it. I didn't know really what to do, say to him something supportive was my thought. But here I am in my car and if I try cutting him off it might look like something else.

Anyway, he was very fast on that bike, and my thoughts weren't keeping up, and he went his way and I went mine.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

In other news...

The Iraq war continues, setting a new record in length, surpassing the old record of lengthiness previously given to the period of time between Boston albums.

Happy "Mission Accomplished" Day!

It's May 1, otherwise known as the day the Iraq war ended, with President Bush's stirring message to this grateful homeland: "Mission Accomplished!" Break out the champagne, uncork a bottle of sparkling cider, dump a tub of water and ice on the coach, kiss someone's sweetheart in Times Square, the long war -- a month or so to that point -- is over.

"War is over, if you want it, war is over now...." President Bush wasted no time achieving a massive victory, from Shock and Awe to landing on the deck of the U.S.S. Something-or-Other, his bulging crotch piece symbolizing perfectly the virility of a nation that would not, could not be stopped.

The war was swift, the message to tyrants everywhere certain: Don't mess with the man, and we are the man!

Now we have peace in our times!