Sunday, June 29, 2008

John McCain -- Not an Elitist!

He only owns 10-13 homes in the range of $10 million. That officially makes him a common man, not an elitist.

Here's an interesting tour of the country. Can you name all the places John McCain lives? I suppose a better question would be could John McCain name all the places John McCain lives?

Friday, June 20, 2008

John "Crash" McCain

I used to have an autographed book by "Wrong Way" Corrigan. Isn't that cool? An aviation name that everyone knows, even if it's used as a joke. You show up an hour late, say you got lost, and someone says, "Wrong War" Corrigan.

About John McCain. We all know he was supposed to be some kind of hero in the military. But you tell me, would you like to ride with John McCain flying? It's easy to say he's a hero -- and hold him at arm's length, put him on a pedestal. But would you seriously get into a plane with him at the controls?

What's all this about? What am I getting at? McCain crashed five aircraft! Is that typical for an Air Force guy? I seriously don't know what is typical, but you'd expect if everyone crashed five aircraft we wouldn't have many aircraft left!

Now, whether he actually knew what he was doing at the controls of a plane doesn't say anything about how good a president he would be. But it doesn't help.

Here's the run-down, and this site looks like it might know something about the military. I haven't looked at it enough to know exactly their politics. But it looks like they're equal opportunity criticizers of our candidates!

Here's "Crash" McCain's record of crashes:

  • The first during a training flight in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while trying to land.
  • In the Mediterranean, the hard partying McCain lost a second aircraft. Someone said: "Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula, he took out some power lines which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral."
  • Flight instructor McCain lost a third aircraft while flying a Navy trainer solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. Timberg wrote that McCain radioed, "I've got a flameout" before ejecting at one thousand feet. McCain parachuted onto a beach moments before his plane slammed into a clump of trees.
  • McCain lost his fourth plane on board the Forrestal on July 29, 1967 when a rocket inadvertently slammed into his bomb laden jet. McCain escaped, but the explosions that followed killed 134 sailors.
  • McCain was transferred from the badly damaged Forrestal to the USS Oriskany. Shortly afterwards, on Oct. 26, 1967, he was shot down and captured by the Vietnamese.
OK, back to my original question. Anyone want to go on a ride with McCain at the controls? The odds would be with you. He's due for a streak of good luck.

Out of that list, the worst one is the fourth. There he is and a rocket inadvertently slams into his bomb laden jet. Somehow he escapes, but explosions kill 134 sailors! That was a disaster to say the least.

Mercy by Duffy

Have you heard a song by Duffy called "Mercy" ? It's cool.

It's got a clean throwback sound, almost like '60s Motown with a 2008 edge. I was wondering with Gnarls Barkley if we wouldn't hear more stuff like this coming along.

It's a Waste to Give Money to John McCain

Hi everybody, Slouch Loleen here.

This day brought an interesting, devasting poll, over at Newsweek.

"Barack Obama might just be getting his post-primary national bounce. A new poll from Newsweek gives him a 51%-36% lead over John McCain, up from a 46%-46% tie a month ago," writes Eric Kleefeld.

Wow, a 15 point spread! With him already gasping for air, it looks like John "Crash" McCain might be going down again!

Friday, June 13, 2008

John McCain Confused on Social Security

I would call it confusion, poor memory, or spacing out. To be generous. On the other hand, maybe he's consciously flip-flopping, flim-flamming, and trying to slip one by us.

In this video on privatizing Social Security, he wants to have it both ways. He was for privatizing, now he plays word games to say that's not what he's for.

McCain vs. McCain! Or just confused.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Coming Home from Iraq: "Not Too Important"

John McCain reminds us once again of his idea about staying in Iraq for a hundred years or more. He seriously thinks it's no big deal. You go to war and you stay there. You go to war and you never get back to peace. You can't leave because things are too unstable, but then when you get it stable you also can't leave.

So today his newest outrage, his latest gaffe is this: That it's "not too important" to ever bring the troops home. As far as McCain cares, leave them there forever. What does he care?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

McCain's Manned Mission to Mars

John McCain is calling for a manned mission to Mars.

If that sounds familiar, remember a few years ago George Bush also put forward some talk about going to Mars. Just talk. If only he had a third term to get it accomplished...

McCain called Ray Bradbury's 1950 novel, "The Martian Chronicles," concerning humans colonizing Mars, one of his favorite books as a child.

"I am intrigued by a man on Mars and I think that it would excite the imagination of the American people if we can say, 'Hey, here's what it looks like," he said. "We know that now, and here's what may be there and let's all join in that project. I think Americans would be very willing to do that."

Contacted for comment, Plixney XQ89, chief spokesmen for the Martian central government, said, "We're still studying his proposal. But going by the Republicans' history of achievement, we aren't expecting it will be accomplished successfully any time soon."

Friday, June 6, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

This Idiotic Attitude Disqualifies John McCain

Headline today: McCain Criticizes Obama on Iran.

Because, you know, Obama said he would sit down and talk with the Iranians concerning their affairs, nuclear and otherwise. McCain's brainiac idea is that you shoot first, talk second. In other words, why deny ourselves a good shooting war when we don't have to? Why not kill and be killed? And then let the survivors pick through the ashes, and, if it's like Iraq, afterwards say, "Oops."

"It's hard to see what such a summit with President (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad would actually gain, except an earful of anti-Semitic rants, and a worldwide audience for a man who denies one Holocaust and talks before frenzied crowds about starting another," McCain told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Link.

Way to characterize it, Senator Hogwash.

Yes, "It's hard to see" what anything might accomplish till you actually do it. So, since "it's hard to see," why do anything? Of course it's easy to see what can be accomplished when you let your guns overrule your diplomats. Hundreds of thousands of people die, untold misery is unleashed, and you are a hated despot. But, hey, don't let common sense get in your way.

We do not need Bush III. We do not need any more cowboy diplomacy.

Remember when diplomacy was the first option? For McCain -- a warmonger -- war is the only answer, always the answer.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yes! Obama!

What a relief it would be (will be?) to have these folks in the White House instead of the current bunch.

It'll be a lot better as well having all that young vigor and energy in there than, let's say, old John McCain about to fall over.

What was it they said he had, in his medical records? "Harmless vertigo" is the answer. Just what we need, him spinning out of control down the stairs.

Let's leave the dinosaurs in the museum!

This is America. We want to be forward-looking. Our best years are yet to come. Not just some old guy's hazy memories!