Monday, June 2, 2008

This Idiotic Attitude Disqualifies John McCain

Headline today: McCain Criticizes Obama on Iran.

Because, you know, Obama said he would sit down and talk with the Iranians concerning their affairs, nuclear and otherwise. McCain's brainiac idea is that you shoot first, talk second. In other words, why deny ourselves a good shooting war when we don't have to? Why not kill and be killed? And then let the survivors pick through the ashes, and, if it's like Iraq, afterwards say, "Oops."

"It's hard to see what such a summit with President (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad would actually gain, except an earful of anti-Semitic rants, and a worldwide audience for a man who denies one Holocaust and talks before frenzied crowds about starting another," McCain told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Link.

Way to characterize it, Senator Hogwash.

Yes, "It's hard to see" what anything might accomplish till you actually do it. So, since "it's hard to see," why do anything? Of course it's easy to see what can be accomplished when you let your guns overrule your diplomats. Hundreds of thousands of people die, untold misery is unleashed, and you are a hated despot. But, hey, don't let common sense get in your way.

We do not need Bush III. We do not need any more cowboy diplomacy.

Remember when diplomacy was the first option? For McCain -- a warmonger -- war is the only answer, always the answer.

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