Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John McCain's "Earnings" Since April 9

John McCain, the old geezer currently running for president for the Grand OLD Party, has not shown up for work in the Senate since April 9 of this year. Simply has not shown up.

Anyone out there with an actual job? How would it go over with the boss if, say, it's July 29 and you haven't been to work since April 9? Would you be expecting full pay for the time missed?

Here's what John McCain's "earnings" are from his job as senator since April 9: $51,345.08.

Do you find that slightly amazing, troubling, mind blowing? McCain gets over $50,000 for not showing up to work even one single day! By way of comparison, the median household income in the U.S. in 2006 was $48,201.00 for the year. And I can guarantee you the average guy has to show up before he gets paid.

Great work if you can get it, huh!

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