Monday, May 19, 2008

Bush's Third Term

I couldn't have said it better myself:

"As we near victory in one contest, the next challenge is already heating up," Plouffe wrote. "President Bush and Senator McCain have begun coordinating their attacks on Barack Obama in an effort to extend their failed policies for a third term."
Any way you slice it, McCain's run for the presidency is seeking an extension of George Bush's term. It would vindicate, validate, and perpetuate George Bush's failed policies. It would be a prescription for war, war, and more war, crazy economics, international cowboy diplomacy (meaning mindless bluster), and a further eroding of our stature in the world.

McCain is running right, yet giving feints to the center. He's milking that maverick nonsense for all its worth, but his Strait Jacket Express went into the ditch a long time ago.

This country made a severe mistake in allowing it to be close enough to tip the election to George Bush in 2000. Then with the advantages of the White House, he squeaked out a disastrous win in 2004. Disastrous for us. But enough is enough! We have tried stupid and it has failed. It is time to try smart, for a change. No to McCain.

P.S. - David Plouffe is Obama's campaign manager.

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