Tuesday, April 8, 2008

SOS Coast Guard 2

As basically "good" as SOS Coast Guard is, and it isn't great, there is a real groaner moment in episode 2. Which was necessary in order to preserve Thorg's life so he can stay in the serial all the way through. Unfortunately it made the Coast Guard look a lot more incompetent than they would be in real life. But such are the movies!

They've got Thorg. He's swam out of the Carfax wreck, but the Coast Guard sees him. Terry tackles him on land, they fight, then Thorg rolls into a net and the net rolls into the sea. But instead of anyone rescuing Thorg then arresting him, they shrug their shoulders, like 'he's gone.' They say 'No one could escape from the net' and walk away, the poor guy out of mind.

Well, hey, ha ha, you aren't just going to leave a body to rot away at the shoreline. Please. But it's for the plot. He can't be taken into custody already and he can't die and you need fights. So of course Thorg survives!

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