Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Will Jason Go Home Tonight?

For all of Jason Castro's cuteness, and I probably should use quotes because it's wearing out fast, I don't know if cuteness can carry the day when someone has to go home.

The guy has no range for singing the big stuff. He has the range for singing plinky little ditties, like around campfires and birthday parties. Still, he has the national stage, so he'll probably be a big star when this is all over. Doing plinky stuff.

Up on the big stage, they're all expected to be able to belt it out. All expected to have pipes like a church organ. But his pipes are like a kazoo. It ain't his fault. We sing with the throats we have, not with the throats we want.

I hope he does finally get canned, since it has to happen sooner or later. There's no way he's going to prevail and beat David A. or David C.

One other thing, the constant look of absolute cluelessness on Jason's face bugs me.

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