Saturday, April 19, 2008

SOS Coast Guard - Final Entry

I remember I was writing a little about that Bela Lugosi serial, SOS Coast Guard. I finished watching it. As I recall, the main character, hero, was Terry Kent. And it had a happy ending. Kind of a weird ending, [SPOILER ALERT], with Thorg being shot in the cave, then falling backwards into the water, never, we assume, to be seen again. But he IS seen again.

Dr. Whatever, Bela's character, doesn't win. The scientist formulates the antidote to counteract his terrible gas, and no, it wasn't Beano.

Lately, I've been watching the other Bela serial I have, "The Phantom Creeps." It definitely has its moments. In this one, and it says it on the DVD box, too, you are rooting for Bela to conquer the world. It'd be kind of cool to have Bela Lugosi conquer the world, then be holding all us hostage for, what exactly? What would Bela want from us? It's ridiculous to want to conquer the world.

And it's even more ridiculous when he talks about destroying the world. Why would he want to do that? Where would he be then?

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